KULA Tribe
According to Yogepedia "Kula" is the Sanskrit word for "Community" "Clan" or "Tribe".
In my work as a coach, I find most people expressing a deep longing to connect to their authenticity, to a sense of life purpose and to find their tribe.
Perhaps one of the best things about the internet and social media is the way in which it can quickly connect us with kindred spirits and a global tribe but of course nothing beats real life community and that is where some great adventures begin, in going out in the world to create or find both a sense of individuality and a sense of belonging.
Kula also happens to be the name of a Magazine that I write for, which is published by one of my favourite places on earth- Desa Seni Village Resort in Bali.
Here are a few of the articles I have written for Kula Magazine, about the concept of and skills involved in "Holding Space" and also about "yoga & surf" as a perfect combination.
I hope and plan to host an empowerment retreat at Desa Seni with Sage & Strong.
Until then, if you are looking for that perfect place to be present, treat yourself, practise yoga, meditate and surf in paradise; this would be my go to destination (and if you do go- tell them Giada sends her love. Thank you!)